Friday, January 4, 2013

Only Cats

I am on my final day (now night) of my winter break. Dear GOD I do not want to go back to school yet. I am a freshman at UCSD and it's nice and all, but if I go back, I have to be responsible again. Ew. I want to pig out on yummy home-food, stay up late and sleep in (at school I only do the former), and most of all, be lazy and play with kitties.

I have two ADORABLE Siamese cats named Edward and Genevieve. They are wonderful and every day I am away from them I want to cry. I am a cat person (duh) but I don't dislike dogs. While I more-often-than-not find cats cuter, I do appreciate adorable dogs....but KITTEHS. And mine are pretty great. Edward (or Fatward as we like to call him) is 17lbs, and for those unfamiliar with cats or the archaic measuring system Americans use (thanks Ford) 17lbs is extremely heavy for a Siamese cat. He is needy, talkative, and my own little stalker. I cannot go into a room without him following me, and I love it. Genevieve (like the dog in Madeleine) is my other Siamese that we got two weeks before I went to college. Rip-off right? Totally. Her proper French pronunciation is Sh-e-on-ve-ev (Gene-on-veve?) fancy. And by the way, Madeleine's correct pronunciation is Mad-len. I know, because Mad-a-len (=Madeleine) is my middle name, and that show, although I loved it, causes ridicule to this day. A name like allergy medicine and a middle name is a mispronounced cartoon, oh what a life. But I digress. I call my female cat Evee (yes like the Pokemon), and that is simple enough for everyone. She is tiny and correctly proportioned, unlike Ed. She also loves to torment my poor Fatward, and sometimes it's cute, sometimes it's cruel, but I love her all the same. Now my stupid  "education" is taking me away from these adorable fur-monsters for ten weeks. Bastards!

I really don't understand how I can be properly educated without furry cuteness.

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